I like September. Its a month of tennis season, not yet sick of school, and I like fall. I made some goals for this month, because I happen to be a person of lists.
• do
all of my homework, keep really using my planner
• eat
healthier this month
sew more bags to start
Etsy merch, and try new sewing machine things, like
clothes• read (easy one, I do this so much anyway)
• run
four miles• find some
shoes for winter
• sell my old clothes at the store that will buy them
• go
bead shopping• finally get my
driver's license• put
lyrics to the chords I came up with 2 days ago
Besides that, some news. A new sewing machine has replaced the broken one, thank the heavens for warranties. And last night I spent at a band show, but our underground music scene doesn't really amount to much. Had fun anyway. And Megan and I lost our last tennis match, but not without a fight, we went into a 3rd set, and we were in the newspaper. Ava got her picture in the paper, a very cool one of her swimming. I cut it out and put it on my clippings-wall. Otherwise, I'm beginning to get sick, and I don't feel stellar today.