Mushroom from my delicious dinner of Portobello mushroom, eggplant, goat cheese, and baguette dinner yesterday. And oh, new things, new things. In the picture containing the many objects, you may view the ALPACA SWEATER in the background, I'm am so in love with it. And a New Waterbottle in a lovely color. And NEW SHOES, so I don't have to wear my sandals in the snow. And from a lovely trip to the bookstore, new BOOKS. And, on the right, a trip to the bead store so I could make a new necklace. A pretty bead. The owner of the shop had just returned from India, and she told us of the amazing persistence and hard-wrking nature of the people there, and the beautiful craftsmanship resulting. How I long to visit.

Honestly though, I've been feeling lonely. I come home after school and I feel like everyone else is off busy with activities and friends, while I am cooped up, so far away from everyone. I like my time alone, but after school is just such a slow time of the day, when I feel like conversing and just being with people. "Do you homework", you might say. I feel too lonely to do even that. So I read a lot, and playing guitar, and writing on my typewriter. Which is okay, but it sure does get lonely.

My mom is coming home from a weekend in Boston for her mom's funeral, her plane arrives tonight. Its about 10h30 right now, she's coming home in about 2 hours. My dad just left, we made our own granola bars before he left. And talked, more than we have in a long time. I asked him if he was going to marry his girlfriend, and he said yes, he probably will. And we talked about him moving on, and my mom moving on, and how it makes him sad that I've been feeling lonely, and that we're going to do what we can to get me a car, or at least stuff to do.
Such as, in about 2 weeks, there is an intense YogaFit training I'm signed up for. Its so I can become a licensed yoga teacher. I don't feel like material for a yoga teacher. I'm a quiet, slightly overweight 16-year-old girl. Me, teach yoga? Why not? I really love yoga. So yes, I think I will.
My brother moved out today. I am an only child. Or thats what it feels like. I think I'm going to move into his room, but not for a while, until he's really moved out moved out. Like, when it doesn't feel like he's coming back. The house will be quieter. Even quieter. Its been a little too quiet.