Hmmhmmhahahmm. Procrastination takes many a form. Mine comes in the shape of 2 pointy blades with handles for the forefinger and thumb. I don't think I know anyone who cuts their hair just for fun.
I can't believe how late it is already. I'm back from Valdez, it The mountains there are just SO AMAZING. I never get over it. A little snowboarding just for fun, a lot of yummy food, and trying to maybe learn a word or two in Portugese from Andressa, a student from Brazil.
Today I made good progress on the montagnes des maths, and now I'll do a little reading for English,
which is nice, have-a-cookie-and-let-me-rub-your-feet homework that I don't mind doing. The subject of the book isn't so cheery, an eye-opening exposé of the toils of a slave girl with a perverted master and dreary conditions for her family. Riles anger from the acid of the deep stomach-area. Am in a good mood despite looming prospect of school in a few hours.
Love love.