I've gotten into crosswords. I never really feel like I'm accomplishing anything, but at the same time its such a satisfying feeling to figure them out. Not saying I'm very good at them. I wonder if you get better, the more you do, or if its just that trivia-knowledge-trait some people have, which I most definitely do not?
Anyway, it was actually nice to be back today, I did miss everybody. The trip was totally fun, a little more laid-back then vacations I'm used to, but it was a nice break. Our days were mostly laying on the beach, deciding where to eat lunch, kayaking, laying on the beach, deciding where to eat dinner, watching Juno for the first time, a trip to an art fair and the zoo just for kicks, more good food...

I always have pictures of clouds, just to mix it up, heres a picture from
above those fluffy marvels.

And for more complete vacation photos: