After the crankiest walk I have ever had with my dog [not having the gas money to drive anywhere pretty, we were forced to adventured to a place that took me to a noisy, ugly highway shoulder that left me feeling frazzled], my tummy was asking for something home made.
On the blog
Everybody Loves Sandwiches there is a recipe for a Power Cookie. Like a delicious cookie, but its got oatmeal and whole wheat flour and applesauce and its
vegan. Like a granola bar. So I made some, and my tummy was very happy with me. And I had to make my own applesauce for the first time, which smelled
so good.
And I would really like to start making something that I might be able to sell for a little money. Paying for one's own gas is unpleasant and draining, wallet-wise. I might start biking again, now that the roads are clear. That will help my butt train for the
triathlon coming up, anyhow.