Check out these slippers. Who knew what treasures lay in my closet?? They were made my great-aunt, the one I'm named after, and they are bright pink on top, puke-green on the bottom, and each adorned with a big fat pom-pom. I have been wearing them all day.

I did get rid of LOTS of stuff. Like this hat, which I had to take a picture of before throwing in the give-away pile, because its the first hat I ever knitted. Its not great, but it has that special feel. Not special enough to keep, though. Seriously, I was feeling so motivated today, I had no room for nostalgia. My mom looked at my room and asked "Are you moving out, or something?".

And it was another granola day. This batch was improvised, with lots of cinnamon and dried cherries and more brown rice syrup than sugar. Not bad at all.
I also made a trip to the library and came back with a great loot of books. I think the library is my favorite establishment...ever. What a great idea: "Hey, lets get a whole collection of books, and let people borrow them, for free!". That is just positively marvelous.