So finally, I'm back, with pictures. It's taken me forever to find a computer I could load these onto, when (silly me!) I could do it at Susie's house the whole time. Hopefully I can update a little more frequently from here on, but for now I'll just exhibit some of my experiences so far, with a little narration.
First, Susie's house. This has been my main home for the last 6 weeks.
Even though most of my time here is spent reading, drawing, doing yoga, taking walks, baking muffins, and watching bad TV with Susie, the most exciting parts have been the trips to the ocean, both to Waikanae and Taranaki. This is when I see the parts of New Zealand that are really classic, and which I hope to see more of as I start to travel here.
The land is really beautiful here. I can't wait to travel around and see more of it. Right now I'm enjoying the small moments of beauty here in the city...
the winding streets...
the random art...
the purple houses...
unexpected and amazing sunsets...
and reading Charlotte Bronte with a latte...
That's it for now, dearies. Oh, and I'll leave you with some of my favorite sayings here.
"Sorted." = okay, that's fine
"Mean." = sweet, cool
"Heaps." = as in, 'love you heaps'
"Sweet as." --You can put 'as' on the end of anything. 'Cold as.' 'Sunny as.' 'Tasty as.'
Enjoy! I'll update as soon as I have more exciting things to share. I miss everyone!