Weather is turning chilly and rainy. I don't know, I don't have a lot to say, I guess not much exciting has been happening. In school it seems the subject of individuality keeps arising, and I'm into it. I know my whole life I've heard the phrases "Be yourself" and "Do what makes You happy", but especially with impending college/the rest of my life hovering over everything, it really makes more sense to me now. Like, take careers. I don't want one, period. I basically want to drift around for the rest of my, always doing different stuff and learning different skills and trying different things. There's no degree for that. But I still want to go to college, because I've wanted to go ever since I've known what goes on there. Learning. But you don't have to go to college to get advanced learning. But I still like the idea of college. So much money, just for the idea. I don't know. I'll get there when I come to it. Right now, grades are great, and they suck, and I'm gonna get stuff done, but I just won't freak myself out about it, I don't know if I can, because I always reach a certain point of stress when I realize that life goes on, A's or C's or F's.
So to celebrate the wonderful weather, I spent a nice afternoon painting and reading and listening to music.
And with my brother possibly moving out soon, I've been contemplating to possibly move into his room, and make my room into an art/sewing/music room. And painting it pink, like this:

Because, in Ava's words, its "refreshing". It is. Like a easier version of my deep red:

Well, I'm off to yoga.
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