Hello! It's August! And with only a week and a half left of summer vacation! I haven't felt like posting in a while, but here's a quick recap of the ~last month:
-lived in Palmer with friends

-got baley certified with friends
-saw Wilco in concert

-started tennis season, am girls varsity #3
-taught a yoga class
-have seen good movies, spent days reading, hiked with A, been lifting weights in the A.M., watched the Olympics with 4 very excitable swimmers, had conversations with a French family at a dinner party (in French), crocheted a hat, registered for my senior year and got a good schedule, gone to a Conscious Living festival and gotten a henna tattoo for free from a woman named Snow, gone running in pretty places, and cleaned houses for money.
And now I need to finish (start, actually) the summer reading, go climbing with friends, hike Crow Pass, go sailing again, mix this henna that I bought, eat some Thai food because I am craving it, and summer will be complete.
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